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Covid 19 India Updates: Six states are not improving the situation

Covid 19 India Updates: Six states are not improving the situation, Health Ministry said - threat to the whole country.

Covid 19 India Updates: Six states are not improving the situation, Health Ministry said - threat to the whole country

New Delhi Now call it the effect of Holi or some improvement in the situation, there has been a decrease of 12 thousand in new cases of corona infection across the country as compared to a day earlier. However, six states including Maharashtra and Punjab are increasing tension. The situation is not under control in these states. More than two-thirds of the new cases are from these states. The number of active cases also increased for the 20th consecutive day and their number has reached close to five and a half lakhs. The number of daily dead has declined slightly, but concern remains.

During the last 24 hours, new cases were reduced by 12 thousand across the country as compared to the day before.

According to the data updated by the Union Health Ministry on Tuesday morning, 56,211 new cases have been reported during the last 24 hours, more than 68 thousand cases were found a day ago. 271 more patients have also died during this period. Together, the total number of infected has crossed one crore 20 lakh 95 thousand. Out of these, over one crore 13 lakh 93 thousand patients have been completely cured and 1,62,114 people have lost their lives. The recovery rate for patients has come down to 94.19 percent, while the death rate remains at 1.34 percent.

Continuation of the highest number of infected in Maharashtra continues

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